Saturday, June 16

Cum nahi Kum..

n u know what, there was another movie, this time a bollywood starrer, contemporary to, or for the exatitude of the nugget, twin to the filthy, erogenous Chinese version. Directed by ad-maker, M. Balakrishnan(Balki), it was supposedly, a lesson of morality to its namesake, or rather homophonic contender.

It was later clearified by the director, who himself called for a press conference, that the much hyped news of Paresh Rawal playing the lead role, "the cum pump", in the Chinese abstract was a undeniable hoax, with no relation (not even in 2nd or 3rd blood) wat-so-ever with reality, though the convict n victim (both, Mr. Rawal) denied out-rageously to face the camera.

The news that Paresh was later (wen stoned) caught conceding that he actually went to the shooting spot of the "other movie" for a urine test, n was forcibly made to leak mililitres of his virility, was out-pored after a sting operation, sponcered by Shakti Kapoor, out of an earlier issue langering b/w the two.
The tapes were ulteriorly found phoney, n only then did the fact found surface that the person forging Paresh in the tapes, was actually Aman Verma.

sumtimes its gud to read crap..
u jst did.

Cheeni (Chinese) Cum!

The most eagerly awaited (with a record breaking public awareness, prior the release) heebie-jeebie resurrecting, gooseflesh reverberating, bum clamping, n "thing" hardening XXX aphrodisiac of the decade was Chinese Cum (jst look at the saucy brashness of these kinky, plush least the name c'ld be modest, like "Chinese (Cheeni, the desi look) Beauty", or "Cheeni Babu", etc.).

Justifying the nomenclature, it (the Baal Film) was surfeited with mating shrieks, and coy, banging shrills of chummy, lecherous, salacious, voluptous, flawless SE Asian tarts, bumping on top of streched, hardened, and tensed muscular frames (which with the advancement to the peak, were to abruptly slack down to gosammer strands, n discharge to placidity).

Friday, June 15


unveil the green,
for I 'll be your concubine.
n scorch my spirit,
in the stinging hours of sheen.

fathom my flesh,
n decipher the odds.
for none is nascent,
in this reign of swords.

"5 $s, bitch!,
'ld that be fine?"
I 'm winsome n raw,
generosity says nine.

"dont' you dare feign with me,
inertness, I can smell.
and that, you 've cast away,
is said fine and well."

Thou is veritable, e'nuf said,
substantially, there r reasons, i lay abed.
alien parts enter me, diffuse, that I regret,
but then, y die unfilled, when orifices can earn bread.

Wednesday, June 13

I, Dimension.

The fact that we (humans) are mortal, unhallowed, perishible structures viable to fall in some and any, unevitable time (Look at this.... they have unleashed upon the phenomenon of "time", and have then edited the vocabulary with undeniable, infallible terms like the one adjectivating the same) with or without a coup de grace (Its none but the dead which can pass the dictum) furnishing the end of our sublunar shifts, has been so ruthlessely interpreted, as to sag upon the concept of time and space, with the latter finally easing off as a mere tool, a contrivance for the former (remember!! Three dimensions r not sufficient to define the state of a process, there has to be a fourth.........."Time??").

There are two basic fundas, speculatively, which though were contrieved as tools to human comfort and efficiency, ironically have morphed to the guiding tail fins of the craft of personage.

They are TIME and NUMEROLOGY(N), n they work in conformity with each other, with the human mind readily receding to the sceptor of the duo.

Time for them (for us) is a latent marvel, being facaded by the palpable idea of Numerology (NUMBERS.., to be more intelligible).
With time as the comparitive frame of reference, everything since the genisis, the fountainhead of a human presence, is set to target the time juxtaposed dash....right from the very begining..
NATALITY, what for??

This heat against time is the root cause pertaining to the human proclivity of finding pleasure (positive or sadistic) in sudden transitions, surge of emotions, gradients, extremities of states, and eddy effluxes of thoughts (You cannot subside with the idea of a similar experience in coitus... also read "One Gulp, One Go" to contemplate on the author's views), becoz then surfaces, subconsciously, the quiescent idea of efficiency (gaining the maximum(N) in the minimum(N) time).

And if you give it some time, you 'ld crop up with the belief that these outporing, upsurging, undulating phases are apetizers (or rather feeds) to the process of human digitization which is fundamentally evading us of the essence and realization of existence.
So, we need a complete makeshift for the relative axial frame, n for that we need to discover (understand this.. .we actually need to discover) an alternate axial parameter.

What better can be as absolute, n as furnishing (both, personally and socially) as the SELF of a human person.

Think about it...