Friday, June 22


That day (that sprout of a day) was no exception. With the same dreariness in his eyelids flickering retardedly in coherence with the eventual, deciding attempts of the neuronic array (above), to simultaneously identify, recall and modulate the swiftly fading trashes of the passing night's dreams, and with the synonymously laden holds and nails (gums and teeth) he physically tossed his whims-loaded psyche to piece-up the burden. His was not a voluminous space, and there were inmates (a refrigerator, an almira, and a dressing table) sharing the limited reserves. His cot was lengthed alongside a grilled alcove and the aligned door, facing the balcony surreptitiously permitted the Sun to trespass the life inside. It was time, and the incandescence of the star smoothly embrazed the bifurcated tips of his inter wound hair. Within no time, the gentle sheen reached the scalp and raced through the contours of his forehead, when for the first time that day he savvied the over-concern of the celestial intervention and non-compliantly pulled his pillow over his head. His brashness was instinctive and subconscious (or Para conscious, I guess). This was utter blasphemy, and the aroused Sun was determined to filch him off his slumber. Intensifying the blaze, the Sun scurried through the length of his frame, and scorched every bit of his mortality.

All through these millennia of civilization, man has sought measures to control the flow of nature. At that point of time, the entire humanity was siding him, for he penalizingly shut the door down. The Torch, in dilemma, was forced to wait outside.
But then, the job was done, the revenge smitten.

He had nothing to nap for, all sub/para conscious memories lost, the contact broken, the communication with the unsung source withheld. He submitted, habitually lamenting for his loss and stood up to see the nothingness of another day lumbering through his feet. Compliantly he pushed the door to the toilet, loosen his pants, and hung his thing out carelessly, disapprovingly, and after a pre-calculated time, withdrew the pair back to his waist. The androit within him dragged his frame to fetch the toothbrush and its accomplice and casually made him polish his teeth with the automaton. He obediently took after.

To this submission, his alter ego, the corpus that he was, woke-up to cognizance, dominatingly snatched the rein of the spirit, and made him trot to the terrace to relish the freshness of the virgin dawn. There he was on the terrace of his dwelling, with a toothbrush to his teeth, and a soothing, alien puff, tickling him to life. ...a petty left-over of some mighty glacial blow, a miniature intrusion looking for a way through existence, an austere nomadic wind with no prints of its passage, made him realize his flow, his oomph, his saprkle, his vigor, his zest...made him rise to himself...made him live.

Gulzar is a belief, a thought, that imaginary flurry, breath, of “the bindu” which makes us think, which prompts us to explore, understand and nourish our nascent selves with the flow of personage.

Gulzar is no human, its the pen which has evolved with the phase of time, through progress and regress, rain and draught, sun and shade, mangoes and apples, and which treads against the papyrus to sqiggle the intricacies of "the flow" being held in the hands of a fellow mortal named, Sampoorna Singh and more prominently called by the monogram, GULZAR.

Monday, June 18

CHEENI KUM (The Carcass)

Elucidating in the flash-back mode, Cheeni Kum was a potential project, with a rare, rational, thoughtful (apropos the Bollywood standards) baptization, buttressed by a balanced initial start-up (both in terms of the story line, the flow of the script, and the characterization of the exponent (mainstay) parts), melidious (more of a step-up, slide-down, void-spawing) music, and raw, virgin, methodically synchronized lyrics,
rendered impotent (which 'ld mean packing up to mediocricy, for a movie of this stature) by the following:
* the spasmodic (discontinous)switching of importance screened for the "inside the kitchen" frames. There were fillers (all so very predictable, blatant, and incongrous) through-out the first half, and none promoted their cause (of reaching out or guising as instigators for the more relevant scriptoral moves to descend)...none.
* the unfathomable brashness and arrogance innate to the protagonist (a 64 yr old man, who owns a passable food joint with not more than 20 labors) , his incessant boasts about his tavern being the Best Indian Restraunt(BIR) in UK, and the supercilious, egotistic self he exudes every time he utters,
"Haai-deraa-baadi Zaafraani Pulao" (read,"hey!, Vijay Deenanaath Chauhan").
* the desperate, coquet, bold, hagrin and sadist psyche that the female exponent

of the movie manifests. How c'ld so choosy a woman, with undefiled virginity for 34 years, fall pliantly to the woos of this ponytailed, heedless, and an otherwise vanilla-personatily (plays pranks with his "sex and the city" oriented, gym-freek mother, and talks life and stuff with his "senile head over juvenile shoulders" 9-yr old leukemic neighbour...) , patriarchal, "aham bramhasmi" he?
* the foreseeable climax of the movie.. once you have a leukemic, adorable (aphoristically) character, even the most simpleton,
screw-head, and jammed ass in the world 'ld suggest its repose as the turning point of the story. Every nut can reckon that.
* the unhinged, unorganized, vexing(again) definition of the father-in-law (antagonist), his unscroupless denial, and spontaneous come-back to the argument of his daughter's marriage.
* the time elapsing (no more, no less....serving no other purpose) mental scuffle, and cold war b/w the contemporary (father n son)-in law.

With so many flaws and weak-links, the movie ended up to the miss-list already flooded

with unattended, waif, releases, all of which are destined to leave no more
than a wallpaper on the desktops of the jagruk junta.


Though the last fall was belittling and opprobrious (or may be more than that), the encounter had righteously concieved residues (leftovers).
They were:-
(1) The austere dogma of "surviving on the avilable".
(2) The fire to master the epics of jurisdiction/law enforcement, in order to track out sections under which one can sue a person for trafficing the personal bandwidth (simile to time-space) used for jerking off (or metaphorically, downloading carnal fantasies, and fleetingly uplinking the punches of adrenalin to "the bindu" in the pay-off.)
(3) A mysterious piquing curosity for the moot of the argument, "Cheeni Kum".

Sunday, June 17

Cheeni Kum (The Prologue)

The first time I heard of the title, I said, "wait a minute...who did u said, the movie stars".
"Amitabh Bachchan, Tabu, Paresh Rawal..." was the cold, irked reply. "u r a real dumb-head, 16-bit takes u umpteen buzzes to realize n register three names..fuck you.."
"ok, Godhead, go n mug...u 've a test tommorrow, n lemme fix my innate mother-fuckin-board...i 'll fuckin format it today....cram the crap, u gud-fr-nothing psycho.
" i replied slyly, pretending that i was jst trying to pique him by expressionlessly repeating the same question thrice, though i actually was not. The time that elapsed b/w the first gusto echo, n the vilifying "fuck you" was genuinly the time I took to corelate the work at hand (the usual job, sitting n concocting plans to find an idle flapless private-"time n space" to jerk off) to the first few alien strings that rapped my drums,"Cheeni Kum, this is the new movie on the block", and that which saw me floating in the sea of infinite upsurges (that followed the beat), n unfold the relation b/w cheeni(=sugar) kum, plans, amitabh bachchan, tabu, cheeni(=chinese) cum, jerk-off, paresh rawal, n all the other permutationally possible sets.

Then finally, after the nimbus of mayhem cleared, i mouned sighes of distress..."oh fuck wid this head. do u 've a hammer? i need to settle issues nw n for all...i 'll fuckin thrash more of me, n none of this seeps like ice-cold titanium cutting n flowing recursively from the sheath of the mycoderma to the gravity of the fuckin kills.."
"Whats this time, Mr. Delicate?" he roured.
"oh! leave it. its the same fucking head-ache, my legacy fr life..but, you dont worry pal. I 'll get the pills myself. The chemist is at a stone's throw, n I think...ahhh...i can handle it. Its nothing..believe me.."
"u sure??" said he to my foreboding.
"certainly. Thanks for ur concerns dude, but I 'll manage....ooohh, aahh..ouuch...yeahhhhhh..fuck it..fuck it....(I 'm a horrible actor, n the most blatant plagiarist feasible...these cliched porn verses never bare off me.)"
"r u fine?..jst lay down n have some rest..i 'll get u the pills asap..."
"oh, no i 'll do it"
"shut up, n lay prostrate, my bitch..I 'm goin to the chemist to get my armour, n then I 'll crib ur blurting it"
"oh, yes my master, u be my bait.."

fuck you, motherfucker..."whats this time?" hann...
"sick my duck, pimp!!!"
5 minutes, thats all I 've got..
think, think....
wake up!..wake up. grab a brush, n put a lil' make-up (what the hell!!..fuck you all)
no brush, no fuckin make-up... only take-up n blow-off..
knock-knock. "open up, slut. I 've got the insurance.."
"get ur hands off, you bloddy insatiable pervert.
i know of you..i 'll fuck u this time."
Fucked big-time.