Wednesday, August 15

The Protocol of Reason

All this crap, that you, prodded to depression, by me, are actually about to sift through, was destined to surface here, when, I, dolce far niente, exhausted of the mighty dormancy, finally decided to land my arse, submissively, on the single seated, Chetak, the thirsty mule, quench its lust for Rs.50/litre, and frisk the roads of Lucknow, aimlessly, and in the odessey, happened to drift around a lively turn, banging head on to the massive human-culture that seemed to irresistibly block the passage for some petty diordered jam, that reflected to centre around a couple of blockhead buffons with no traffic sense(no sense, for that, i concede).

the side-effects of the encounter:

and when you trace the trajectory of the turn, you know you have entered the arena of the sortie, for here comes face to face, for the first time(, every time) a mighty graciously lengthed track of the dash.

Do everything, anything, something to get par the still more genially packed live trash, that you add to, as and when the point of reference changes.

With your hands, which refrained, some time, not long ago, to budge, when someone called authoritatively for forelimbs to "I's", and slacked for want of enthusiasm, when someone, a bit more earlier, asked for volunteers for the pithy rank of class-monitor (foreseeing the fact that everyone would see you as some-being, baptized, "Mr.Bicthy-shit monitor", and then there would be a time, when you, for avalanche of mighty social recognition(read prickings) would cease looking for the cause of your nascent existence, and drift to the eclipse of self-oblivion.), in complete attorney of your destiny, you know, that what has been is history, with lessons to teach, and precautions to preach, and look optimistically to the one that would be archieved to apostels of your memory in moments to arrive.
Every sense in you(i guess, even the non-sense), is then assigned a layer in the infrastructure of thought-building and stimuli-generating algorithm that you need to adher to, cohesively, coherently, in full cognizance of the differential changes of entropy generated for continuum of collective swings and trails of the normalized air content and decibel level in the ambience.

A whoo$$$shhhh there, and a bon$$g-bon$g here, everything has a meaning, every sign is a regalia, which epitomizes/decodes some broken piece of information of the childishly drafted(childish for its haphazard outlay) gijzaw to which you are so often put to test, that the question of more relevance to you, has transmorgified from the "This one! Lemme see.." to "This one??! phoo$$$sshhh".

The aim at hand, the wish to realize the win, the pricking(which reasons out as an enticement) ambient-thrust, the mashing turbulence of the massive eddy thought-flow, and none the less, the want of an alternate redeeming exit, yell cries for an honest, avid, and spontaneous participation.
As and when you comprehend this utter need of the bypassing moment, you, for the first time, androitly relinquish some of the innate energy to flex the neck muscles, in order to abet the two synonymously placed spherical lenses above, to buoy up over the almost collinear head-lings, and look beyond to peruse the peculiarities of the labyrinth turned Armageddon. Shots of these visual singnals synchronously hit another bifurcated organ of the body, thus generating collateral pulses of high's for the jerking-tool of your organic frame, which is in full charge of the most microscopic motion of the alien machine under your bums.
Everything that follows has to abide by the impulsively conglomerated(do not read, generated) set of protocols in order to abstain from the almost inevitable sense of expurgation.

The Protocol of Reason:

(1)Time: Always time your run, right from the begining. Do not dare to loose a flick of undaunting heed, for something(the only thing, fit for the adjective to follow) absolute, with a talked of mnemonic, TIME, would not spare you for the most probable fidgety.
P.S.- Never race time, race yourself(read I, Dimension for comprehension)

(2)Foresee: Visualize, foresee results. Try, not to bump to outcomes, land onto them, and that too along the strip lenght.

(3)Act: Do not wait for your turn to come, for its not going to descend on you. Grab the opportunity, and dare to risk your score at every dash, for only then at the end of the innings would you relish every differential slam to its apogee.
P.S.- Every tang of a differential victory, brings you close to enlightment and nirvana.

(4)Synchronize: enuf said.

(5)Move on:
Its yet not reached, move on.
Two of them left, trod on.
None of yours continued, pace on.
on and on.
on and on and on.

(6)Modulate your thresholds: Be ready to compromise your thresholds (no off-line principles), when the blaze of the infermo is at stake. Do not let the fire die.

(7)Alter objectives: An effecient and indomitable feedback link, to the arbit
source of human-ness for unquestionable amendments in the definitions and
approach of the previously defined aims, would be appreciable.

(8)Comprehend your stand: Always be aware of the distance traversered, and the displacement achieved.

(9)Whack off the traces of track cues: Do not cram the fucking track. Dont be such a dumbass as to extract the sap of contentment from the cowardly morphed win over a similarly morphed challenge, framed hypocritically over the carcass of a mugged head-slot.
P.S.- Why the hell would any sane homosapien then, fathom a word as

relieved as "recollection"?

(10)Contemplate your win

(11)Be ready for next.