Wednesday, May 30

Deciphering Tool-box

Its high-time I should ask you to lay your eyes upon the jargon dat is key to my yukky crap...
(NOTE: With me, my lingo too 'ld add up, n all alterations will b instantly uploaded here.)
Here are sum of my favorites:

"things" or "The prolific T"-
This word, is an epic in its own..u can use it to fill all blanks dat 1 may encounter, n no1 ever asks fr an explanation, as in, "things" r goin gud; "things" goin b/w dem; THE ORKUT CLICHE'::5 "things" u cant live widout...
Its perfectly the most compatible of all words, n you 'll understand its worth in the course of the read.

When u first condense upon a word, dere r "things" u think of...
  •  Whether or not, the fabric(word) rhymes wid da cotton(da wrd u want to replace wid da fabric;people#pee-pill).
  • Then comes da utility n moot logic behind da fabric..
Q. Hw r people, pee-pills..??
A. The idea is 2 defend n promote ur invention, n in da bash u may 've to extend ur flexible boundaries, n prove ur malleability by being rigid, fr a change(n dats wat flexibility is all abt), n generalizing "things" at times..
A. (Fr real)# people r pee-pills bcoz evry1 almost all da time has sumthing or da other to throw up on every1 else, every1 luvs 2 peep into evry1 else's life n opine n comment on it..
Every1 has, by da heart, things 2 share n gossip on, most of da times being repetitive on dere points, but then...
They dont show up on dere own, sumtimes evn wen asked fr, n its seldom dat dey yield...
So, people 've fluid (y fluid?, bcoz it flows freely, to n fro frm dere gut to dere head) leaking(to dere disappointment) through orifices unknown to dem, but dey always intend to curb da flow, n hide dere real self behind fabricated dams of hospitality n global dey r pills to dere pee...

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