Wednesday, May 30


Q. What reason do you have to believe the earth is flat?

A. Their could be epics written to answer this biggy....
Comprehending the "you" of da ques, as the 'unique ego' under different relative positions of da sun..(Going by the popular belief that the mood of a human can be perfectly mapped with the motion(dawn through dusk) of the Sun.)
The Dawn:-
The earth is flat b-coz u think(or rather u want to think) its flat, bcoz fr u thinking of da earth as a two dimensional plane is much comfortable n soothing, dan imaging urself as a ferromagnetic strip hanging upside-down, from an enormous spherical magnet, you being ready n viable to b dropped to gobble da endless secrets of da limitless space, once the source of consistent magnetization of the bait turns off..
The Sun's over head:-
The earth's flat, no doubt, but conditionally..n all it depends on is da way u define "earth".
We r individual identities, relishing our own share of da relations, thoughts, customs, practices, air, all of which regenerate itself frm da cause of its own existence..The only thing common to all organic entities is da space abv, wid its projection beneath our feet as da only thing specific to each n every form of matter which is otherwise a shareholder.. dis "thing" is da earth, "The Personal Earth"..n yes it certainly is flat, or else hw could we wid almost flat bases inherent to our structure 've ever stood widout clutchers under our shoulders...
The 'sun filching' Dusk:-
Newton, da most versatile explorer of all, discovered dat every physical atomic matter, wen inside da magnetic aura of da planet, experiences the gravitational pull n falls radially towards its centre, thus traversing an orthogonal trajectory down to da surface...
For dis da earth has to b a cocked plane, ready to recieve substances descending in da normal direction....n so its flat.

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